"Besides the invaluable gift of sobriety that AA has given to millions of Alcoholics, it also started a revolution in Spiritual consciousness.
The dramatic success and expansion of AA facilitated the spread of a radically revolutionary idea which has traditionally, in Western Civilization, been considered heresy. This was not a new idea but rather a reintroduction and clarification of an old idea, coupled with a formula for practical application of the concept into day-to-day human life experience.
This revolutionary idea was that an unconditionally Loving Higher Power exists with whom the individual being can personally communicate. A Higher Power that is so powerful that it has no need to judge the humans it created because this Universal Force is powerful enough to ensure that everything unfolds perfectly from a Cosmic Perspective.
This reintroduction of the revolutionary concept of an accessible Loving God has been clarified to specifically include the concept that the individual being can define this Universal Force according to his/her own understanding, and can develop a personal, intimate relationship with this Higher Power.
In other words, no one is needed as an intermediary between you and your creator. No outside agency has the right to impose upon you its definition of God. . . .
The Twelve Step program of AA provides a practical program for accessing Spiritual power in dealing with day-to-day human life. A formula for integrating the Spiritual into the physical. Even though some of the steps, as originally written, contain shaming and abusive wording, the Twelve Step process and the ancient Spiritual principles underlining it are invaluable tools in helping the individual being start down, and stay on, a path aligned with Truth.
It is out of the Twelve Step Recovery movement that our understanding of the dysfunctional nature of civilization has evolved. It is out of the Alcoholic Recovery movement that the term "Codependent" has emerged."
In late December of 2008, as I was working on some of the new sites we are launching in relationship to Robert Burney Live.com, I decided to make some changes in the index page for the Alcoholism and Twelve Step Recovery section of my web site that will be reflected in this home page of twelvestepmiracle.com I am adding an excerpt from an article that I published in November of 2008 on the Law of Attraction, because in the first part of that web article I talk about the Twelve Step recovery process. I thought that this excerpt was very appropriate for the home page of the site on which I share my writing about recovery and the miracle of the 12 steps. What follows is that excerpt.
"On January 3rd of 2009 I will have 25 years in twelve step recovery - a quarter century clean and sober. An amazing miracle. I have scheduled one of my Intensive workshops for that day - because it is the Saturday after New Years and fits into my practice of scheduling the workshops on Holiday weekends. When I discovered that Saturday was the 3rd, I smiled and took it as a perfect part of the Divine Plan. Perhaps some of you will join me on that day to celebrate that anniversary.;-)
Anyway, when I first got into 12 step recovery in January 1984, I didn't want to hear anything about God or anything that sounded religious because of the shaming religion that I had grown up in. It was the twelve step concept of a 'Higher Power of my own understanding' that made it possible for me to start learning how to live life based upon Spiritual Principles - aka Metaphysical Law.
Announcing: Live Intensive Training
Joy to You & Me Enterprises is now offering a series of Intensive Training Days with Spiritual Teacher, inner child healing pioneer Robert Burney. Learn his innovative Spiritual Integration Formula for Inner Healing.
Step into healing wherever you go! Introducing the 'Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls' App – your portable portal to understanding, growth, and connection.
One of the many things which confused me in
My friend Robert died the other day. He died
My presence on the web extends to quite a few
When I first got into recovery one of the things
Self-honesty is the foundation of the Twelve Step
Since it is Thanksgiving time it seems only
Since I finished my series of articles on inner
Enabling is a term used in 12 step recovery to
"I am profoundly, deeply, everlastingly grateful
In the process of moving this article to Joy2MeU
"I date my codependence recovery as starting
I am going to start off this article with a quotes
Steps 10 through 12 are known as the
I thought he was crazy. How can asking for a